初期設定(iOS Cocoapad)
pod ‘SwiftyStoreKit’
func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
SwiftyStoreKit.completeTransactions(atomically: true) { purchases in
for purchase in purchases {
if purchase.transaction.transactionState == .purchased || purchase.transaction.transactionState == .restored {
if purchase.needsFinishTransaction {
// Deliver content from server, then:
print(“purchased: \(purchase)”)
return true
SwiftyStoreKit.retrieveProductsInfo([“com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1”]) { result in
if let product = result.retrievedProducts.first {
let priceString = product.localizedPrice!
print(“Product: \(product.localizedDescription), price: \(priceString)”)
else if let invalidProductId = result.invalidProductIDs.first {
return alertWithTitle(“Could not retrieve product info”, message: “Invalid product identifier: \(invalidProductId)”)
} else {
print(“Error: \(result.error)”)
SwiftyStoreKit.purchaseProduct(“com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1”, quantity: 1, atomically: true) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let purchase):
print(“Purchase Success: \(purchase.productId)”) case .error(let error):
switch error.code {
case .unknown: print(“Unknown error. Please contact support”)
case .clientInvalid: print(“Not allowed to make the payment”)
case .paymentCancelled: break
case .paymentInvalid: print(“The purchase identifier was invalid”)
case .paymentNotAllowed: print(“The device is not allowed to make the payment”)
case .storeProductNotAvailable: print(“The product is not available in the current storefront”)
case .cloudServicePermissionDenied: print(“Access to cloud service information is not allowed”)
case .cloudServiceNetworkConnectionFailed: print(“Could not connect to the network”)
case .cloudServiceRevoked: print(“User has revoked permission to use this cloud service”)
SwiftyStoreKit.restorePurchases(atomically: true) { results in
if results.restoreFailedPurchases.count > 0 {
print(“Restore Failed: \(results.restoreFailedPurchases)”)
else if results.restoredPurchases.count > 0 {
print(“Restore Success: \(results.restoredPurchases)”)
else {
print(“Nothing to Restore”)
レ シートの確認
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production, sharedSecret: “your-shared-secret”)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator, forceRefresh: false) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
print(“Verify receipt success: \(receipt)”)
case .error(let error):
print(“Verify receipt failed: \(error)”)
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production, sharedSecret: “your-shared-secret”)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
// Verify the purchase of Consumable or NonConsumable
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifyPurchase(
productId: “com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Purchase1”,
inReceipt: receipt)
switch purchaseResult {
case .purchased(let receiptItem):
print(“Product is purchased: \(receiptItem)”)
case .notPurchased:
print(“The user has never purchased this product”)
case .error(let error): print(“Receipt verification failed: \(error)”)
let appleValidator = AppleReceiptValidator(service: .production, sharedSecret: “your-shared-secret”)
SwiftyStoreKit.verifyReceipt(using: appleValidator) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let receipt):
// Verify the purchase of a Subscription
let purchaseResult = SwiftyStoreKit.verifySubscription(
type: .autoRenewable, // or .nonRenewing (see below)
productId: “com.musevisions.SwiftyStoreKit.Subscription”,
inReceipt: receipt)
switch purchaseResult {
case .purchased(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print(“Product is valid until \(expiryDate)”)
case .expired(let expiryDate, let receiptItems):
print(“Product is expired since \(expiryDate)”)
case .notPurchased:
print(“The user has never purchased this product”)
case .error(let error):
print(“Receipt verification failed: \(error)”)